House Cleaning
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Timothe L.
Je C.
Everton W.
Customer Reviews
50,956 Reviews for House Cleaning
Jodidi C.
Valerie is a thorough cleaner. She was courteous and conversational. Really enjoyed my experience with her. Would request her again.
Neelanjana B.
Omg Dawny did an amazing job! The house looks incredibly polished and everything is folded or tucked professionally. Highly recommend.
Janae is awesome. She did a great cleaning job - even overstayed to ensure it was all done properly. Would love to have her again.
Robert B.
I am always so happy with Katrina’s job. She pays attention to details and takes great pride in her work! Such a pleasure!
Luisa A.
I love love looooveeee how my aparyment looks, feels and smells after Liz was done with it. Already requested her for my next 4 cleanings.
Shilpa M.
Merry Christmas Bernita and happy new year. Thanks for being super supportive and helpful. Love, Sonia and Shilpa
Eunkyung S.
She arrived early and was very professional. Would definitely work with her again. Thanks Jennifer!
Lavanya K.
Overall job was very nice, however lacked attention to some minute details such as wall or shower corners. Deserves another chance
Joshua L.
The place needed a good scrub down & that's what it got! Not enough time for the whole apt but the kitchen & bathroom never looked better!!
Pedro M.
Maria is the best professional I've had . Solicited that she only perform cleaning my house from now on.