Door Knobs and Locks
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screened professionals.Friendly 24/7 customer service.
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Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
No time windows, book when you want.
How Handy Works
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We'll confirm your appointment and take care of payment electronically and securely.
Your pro arrives
An experienced, fully-equipped professional will show up on time at your doorstep.
The Trusted Name in Door Knobs and Locks Referrals
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Meet Some of the Top Door Knobs and Locks Pros on Handy
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Robert C.
Jeffrey K.
Danny G.
Customer Reviews
1,317 Reviews for Door Knobs and Locks
Mark D.
Amazing service. Went to the store to buy a part that was broken on my door and came back to finish the job.
redacted r.
Mohammed was excellent, he was prompt in arriving and fixed the problem with my door quickly and to a perfect state! Highly recommended! Thanks again for the help!
Allison D.
Carl did a great job with our lock!! Figured out a great solution for something that wasn’t obvious.
Corey W.
Very Professional! If i had a business I would hire him. Better yet he should start his own because he knows what he’s talking about.
Ayo O.
fantastic, conscientious, punctual and honest. would highly recommend him and would enjoy working with him again!
Olabusayo K.
He arrived on time. He also brought a mat to capture majority of wood shavings and he went extra mile to provide hardware I was missing!
Nick W.
Jose was very knowledgeable and helpful, and was eager to show us how to do our own basic maintenance on our locks. He was quick and efficient, and very friendly. Would recommend!
Betty H.
Gerald was very polite and professional. He gave excellent service, and cleaned up after himself once the job was completed.
Chana T.
Keri was amazing! She fixed my door in about 5 seconds. She is a pro and really knows what she is doing. She spoke to me about the range of services she offers, and it is clear that she has a broad range of expertise. I am grateful that I now have someone I trust to call on for any future needs.
Luke T.
Very professional, kept us informed the entire time, great attention to detail, and went above and beyond in terms of rescheduling.