Target Smart Home
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Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
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Meet Some of the Top Target Smart Home Pros on Handy
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Rafael H.
Handy Premium Pro
364 jobs completed
My name is Rafael.
I’ve been in the steel business for 9+ years, heavy construction(roads,highways,bridges) for more than 5 years, and furniture installments for 6 years.
Enjoy the challenge of seeing new faces, and putting things together for them (handyman services) and complete the job no matter what it takes.
Customer satisfaction is number 1 goal
Thank you
Ryan W.
Handy Premium Pro
154 jobs completed
Hi, my name is Ryan. I offer lawn care and landscaping, as well as a range of handyman and home improvement services, including carpentry, exterior painting, interior painting, flooring, kitchen remodels, bathroom remodels, pressure washing, plumbing and electrical,
Irvin M.
Handy Premium Pro
146 jobs completed
My name is Irvin and I’ve been in the handyman business for several years now. My favorite tasks are electrical work, building and assembling both indoor and outdoor furniture, installations, ect…