Target Smart Home
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Meet Some of the Top Target Smart Home Pros on Handy
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Irvin M.
Handy Premium Pro
146 jobs completed
My name is Irvin and I’ve been in the handyman business for several years now. My favorite tasks are electrical work, building and assembling both indoor and outdoor furniture, installations, ect…
Edward B.
Handy Premium Pro
244 jobs completed
Hi my name is Edward. I am a handy pro maintenance technician I specialize in electrical ceiling fans most types of electrical problems I also handle plumbing problems and all sorts of handyman task I’m very good at what I do and I am always guaranteed to satisfy my customers I will always go above and beyond to do a good job and to make sure it’s done right
Pablo Z.
Handy Premium Pro
60 jobs completed
Hello my name is Pablo, I always try to do and please most of the persons I will be working with, as it is a partnership, I can only know what is that you want to do, by you letting me know, I know every screw, and way to set things up, from a gross drain pipes to simple , but dangerous electrical work,I can set up a tv, or put together a 4 leg table, I don’t believe there is anything I can’t do